Basic Tutorial
To grasp the basic concepts, it's beneficial to follow a step-by-step tutorial.
Before we start, make sure that there's a Column
somewhere in your widget tree. This will contain our tutorial widgets.
🚨 From Dart to Rust
Let's say that you want to create a new button in Dart that sends an array of numbers and a string to Rust. We need a signal to notify Rust that a user event has occurred.
Write a new .proto
file in the ./messages
directory with a new message. Note that the message should have the comment [DART-SIGNAL]
above it.
syntax = "proto3";
package tutorial_messages;
message MyPreciousData {
repeated int32 input_numbers = 1;
string input_string = 2;
Next, generate Dart and Rust message code from .proto
Create a button widget in Dart that accepts the user input.
import 'package:test_app/messages/all.dart';
child: Column(
children: [
onPressed: () async {
inputNumbers: [3, 4, 5],
inputString: 'Zero-cost abstraction',
).sendSignalToRust(); // GENERATED
child: Text('Send a Signal from Dart to Rust'),
Let's listen to this message in Rust. This simple function will add one to each element in the array and capitalize all letters in the string.
use crate::common::*;
use crate::messages::*;
use rinf::debug_print;
pub async fn calculate_precious_data() {
let receiver = MyPreciousData::get_dart_signal_receiver(); // GENERATED
while let Some(dart_signal) = receiver.recv().await {
let my_precious_data = dart_signal.message;
let new_numbers: Vec<i32> = my_precious_data
.map(|x| x + 1)
let new_string = my_precious_data.input_string.to_uppercase();
mod tutorial_functions;
async fn main() {
Now run the app with flutter run
. We can see the printed output in the command-line when clicking the button!
📡 From Rust to Dart
Let's say that you want to send increasing numbers every second from Rust to Dart.
Define the message. Note that the message should have the comment [RUST-SIGNAL]
above it.
syntax = "proto3";
package tutorial_messages;
message MyAmazingNumber { int32 current_number = 1; }
Generate Dart and Rust message code from .proto
Define an async Rust function that runs forever, sending numbers to Dart every second.
use crate::messages::*;
use std::time::Duration;
pub async fn stream_amazing_number() {
let mut current_number: i32 = 1;
loop {
MyAmazingNumber { current_number }.send_signal_to_dart(); // GENERATED
current_number += 1;
mod tutorial_functions;
async fn main() {
Finally, receive the signals in Dart with StreamBuilder
and rebuild the widget accordingly.
import 'package:test_app/messages/all.dart';
children: [
stream: MyAmazingNumber.rustSignalStream, // GENERATED
builder: (context, snapshot) {
final rustSignal =;
if (rustSignal == null) {
return Text('Nothing received yet');
final myAmazingNumber = rustSignal.message;
final currentNumber = myAmazingNumber.currentNumber;
return Text(currentNumber.toString());
🤝 Back and Forth
You can easily show the updated state on the screen by combining those two ways of message passing.
syntax = "proto3";
package tutorial_messages;
message MyTreasureInput {}
message MyTreasureOutput { int32 current_value = 1; }
import 'package:test_app/messages/all.dart';
children: [
stream: MyTreasureOutput.rustSignalStream, // GENERATED
builder: (context, snapshot) {
final rustSignal =;
if (rustSignal == null) {
return Text('No value yet');
final myTreasureOutput = rustSignal.message;
final currentNumber = myTreasureOutput.currentValue;
return Text('Output value is $currentNumber');
onPressed: () {
MyTreasureInput().sendSignalToRust(); // GENERATED
child: Text('Send the input'),
use crate::common::*;
use crate::messages::*;
pub async fn tell_treasure() {
let mut current_value: i32 = 1;
let receiver = MyTreasureInput::get_dart_signal_receiver(); // GENERATED
while let Some(_) = receiver.recv().await {
MyTreasureOutput { current_value }.send_signal_to_dart(); // GENERATED
current_value += 1;