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Where should I ask for help?

If you encounter any problems, feel free to visit the discussions page and open a Q&A thread for assistance.

Where should I use Rust?

Ideally, Flutter would deal with the cross-platform user interface while Rust handles the business logic. The front-end and back-end can be completely separated, meaning that Dart and Rust codes are detachable from each other.

How are data passed between Dart and Rust?

Data being sent between Dart and Rust are basically bytes arrays, represented as Uint8List in Dart and Vec<u8> in Rust. You can send Protobuf messages and any binary data as you wish such as a high-resolution image or some kind of file data.

Where are the library files generated from Rust crates?

All build settings of Rinf ensures that all library files compiled from Rust crates are properly included in the final build, ready to be distributed. Therefore you do not need to worry about bundling library files.

Android app build has failed. What should I do?

The NDK version that your project expects is specified in ./android/app/build.gradle file as ndkVersion variable inside android block. The value of this ndkVersion should be flutter.ndkVersion and you should be using Flutter SDK 3.10 or higher. However, ndkVersion can be absent if you've created your Flutter project with Flutter SDK 3.7 and earlier. If ndkVersion is not defined in your ./android/app/build.gradle file, go ahead and write one yourself.

android {
    namespace "com.cunarist.rinf_example"
    compileSdkVersion flutter.compileSdkVersion
    ndkVersion flutter.ndkVersion // <------ THIS LINE

    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

    kotlinOptions {
        jvmTarget = '1.8'

    sourceSets { += 'src/main/kotlin'

How does concurrency work under the hood?

On native platforms, Dart runs in the main thread, while Rust utilizes the async tokio runtime, allowing async tasks to run efficiently within a separate thread.

On the web, Dart and Rust both run inside JavaScript's async event loop in the main thread, with Rust Futures being converted into JavaScript Promises internally. This is a necessary constraint because webassembly component proposal is not stabilized as of February 2024.

Will changes made to Rust code take effect upon Dart's hot restart?

No, the updated Rust code cannot be loaded upon Dart's hot restart. To incorporate the changes, the app needs to be re-compiled, as the app binary must be linked to the newly compiled Rust library files again. This limitation arises from the Rust compilation process, as Rust does not inherently support a hot restart feature.

On native platforms, Dart's hot restart makes the Rust logic restart, in other words, the async fn main() function. On the web, Dart's hot restart has no effect on the Rust logic, because it's not possible to cancel all the async tasks that are already queued inside the JavaScript event loop.

How do I use nightly Rust?

In order to use nightly Rust, you need to add a cargokit configuration file. Cargokit is the build connector between Dart and Rust used by this framework.

    toolchain: nightly
    toolchain: nightly

More information about cargokit.yaml can be found at the link below. Cargokit is the linker for Rust crates that are used in various Flutter projects, including Rinf.

Is it safe enough to pass secret parameters between Dart and Rust?

It is safe to pass secret parameters between Dart and Rust. Some other Rust GUI frameworks use HTTP or websockets to communicate between GUI and Rust, which is quite insecure. However, that's not the case for Rinf because messages are passed within the Flutter app's process. Please note that while it is hard to reverse-engineer compiled native binaries to search for secret keys or params, it is generally not recommended to hardcode sensitive information in the application itself. This caution applies to this framework as well as any other distributed binaries.

How do I use well-known types in Protobuf?

Basically, it's recommended to use only basic types such as int32, to represent complex data such as timestamp.

If you still need to use well-known Protobuf types like Timestamp in your Dart project, it may be necessary to compile them manually if they are not automatically generated by the rinf message command. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

Start by creating a .proto descriptor file that contains the definition of the well-known type you want to use. For example, if you want to use the Timestamp type, your proto file might look like this:

syntax = "proto3";
package my_resource_name;

import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";

// Your custom messages here

Ensure that you import the necessary well-known type(s) at the beginning of your file, as shown in the example.

Open your terminal and navigate to the root directory of your Dart project. Then, use the protoc command to compile the well-known type to Dart. For example, to compile the Timestamp type, you can run the following command:

protoc --dart_out=./lib/messages google/protobuf/timestamp.proto

Be sure to compile to ./lib/messages because rinf message compiles everything into there.

After running the protoc command, you'll find the generated Dart files in the specified output directory. You can now integrate these generated files into your Dart project like any other Dart module.

// In your Dart code, you can import and use the well-known type:
import 'package:my_app/messages/google/protobuf/timestamp.pb.dart';

Can I use this in pure Dart projects?

No, this framework only supports GUI Flutter apps because it's basically a 'Flutter FFI plugin'. This framework does NOT support other types of projects:

  • Flutter GUI app: Mainly supported ☀️
  • Flutter plugin: Not supported, but this package can be an inspiration
  • Dart CLI app: Might not work, this framework has to hook onto the Flutter SDK
  • Dart package: Not supported, unable to hook onto Dart SDK builds

However, we also promise to deliver the best development experience as it is mainly focused on this one category.

What happens when a panic occurs in Rust?

A Rust panic doesn't crash the app; it simply cancels the spawned async task. You don't need to worry about app stability due to Rust panics. When a panic occurs, the information will be displayed in the CLI if the app is running in debug mode.

On the web, unfortunately, Rust panic is not propageted up the stack because of this limitation in wasm-bindgen as of January 2024.

How do I make Rust-analyzer lint in webassembly mode?

There might be various Rust codes with these attribute above:

#[cfg(target_family = "wasm")]
#[cfg(not(target_family = "wasm"))]

Since the environments of the web and native platforms are so different, there are times when you need to use these attributes to include and exclude parts of the code depending on whether they are targeting web or not.

By default, Rust-analyzer runs in native mode. To make it run in webassembly mode, create the configuration file:

# Uncomment the line below to switch Rust-analyzer to perform
# type checking and linting in webassembly mode, for the web target.
# You might have to restart Rust-analyzer for this change to take effect.
target = "wasm32-unknown-unknown"

You need to restart Rust language server for this to take effect.

CMake cache is broken after I moved the app folder

CMake Error: The current CMakeCache.txt directory C:/.../CMakeCache.txt is different than the directory C:/... where CMakeCache.txt was created. This may result in binaries being created in the wrong place. If you are not sure, reedit the CMakeCache.txt
CMake Error: The source "C:/.../CMakeLists.txt" does not match the source "C:/.../CMakeLists.txt" used to generate cache.  Re-run cmake with a different source directory.
Building Windows application...                                     80ms
Exception: Unable to generate build files

This error can simply be fixed with the command below.

flutter clean
cargo clean

If you are using older Android versions, you may encounter errors due to issues with native library loading.

To address this, you can modify AndroidManifest.xml files under ./android/app/src/ as follows.


How can I await a response?

Please note that it's recommended to use Flutter only to show widgets on the screen with rustSignalStream, while storing the state in Rust.

However, if you really need to store some state in a Flutter widget, you can achieve something like a request-response pattern by providing a unique ID.

syntax = "proto3";
package tutorial_resource;

message MyUniqueInput {
  int32 interaction_id = 1;
  int32 before_number = 2;

message MyUniqueOutput {
  int32 interaction_id = 1;
  int32 after_number = 2;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:example_app/messages/all.dart';

var currentInteractionId = 0;
final myUniqueOutputs = Map<int, Completer<MyUniqueOutput>>();

void main() async {
  MyUniqueOutput.rustSignalStream.listen((rustSignal) {
    final myUniqueInput = rustSignal.message;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:example_app/messages/all.dart';

onPressed: () async {
  final completer = Completer<MyUniqueOutput>();
  myUniqueOutputs[currentInteractionId] = completer;
    beforeNumber: 3,
    interactionId: currentInteractionId,
  currentInteractionId += 1;
  final myUniqueOutput = await completer.future;
use crate::messages::*;

pub async fn respond() {
    let receiver = MyUniqueInput::get_dart_signal_receiver();
    while let Some(dart_signal) = receiver.recv().await {
        let my_unique_input = dart_signal.message;
        MyUniqueOutput {
            interaction_id: my_unique_input.interaction_id,
            after_number: my_unique_input.before_number + 4,
async fn main() {

Some of the standard library modules don't work on the web

As of February 2024, Rinf utilizes the wasm32-unknown-unknown Rust target for web development. However, this target has certain limitations, particularly in terms of system IO capabilities. The hope is to transition to wasm32-wasi in the future pending the stabilization of the WebAssembly component proposal.

Here are the current constraints of the wasm32-unknown-unknown target:

  • Numerous functionalities within std::fs remain unimplemented.
  • Various features of std::net are not available. Consider using reqwest crate instead. reqwest supports wasm32-unknown-unknown and relies on JavaScript to perform network communications.
  • std::thread::spawn doesn't work. Consider using tokio_with_wasm::task::spawn_blocking instead.
  • Several features of std::time::Instant are unimplemented. Consider using chrono as an alternative. chrono supports wasm32-unknown-unknown and relies on JavaScript to obtain system time.
  • In case of a panic in an asynchronous Rust task, it aborts and throws a JavaScript RuntimeError which Rust cannot catch. A recommended practice is to handle errors with Err instances.

My app failed to load dynamic library

Exception has occurred.
ArgumentError (Invalid argument(s): Failed to load dynamic library '': dlopen failed: cannot locate symbol "..." referenced by ...

This happens when one or some of your Rust dependencies expect to have C or C++ libraries linked to the hub crate. Not all Rust crates on are written in pure Rust, and some depends on C code with libc++, libstdc++, etc.

To make cargo link those C or C++ libraries to your native library, create your file like below.

use std::env;

fn main() {
    let target_os = env::var("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_OS");
    match target_os.as_ref().map(|x| &**x) {
        Ok("android") => {
        _ => {}

The code above describes how to link libc++ to your Android app. You can modify this code to adapt to certain scenarios.

These links might be a help:

How do I set the path to a compiled dynamic library?

You might want to run your app on embedded devices. However, you may encounter this error when running your app on a non-major platform:

Failed to load dynamic library '': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

In this case, you can specify a path that points to the compiled Rust library. Simply provide a string path to your dynamic library file.

import './messages/all.dart';

async void main() {
  await initializeRust(compiledLibPath: '/path/to/library/');

This provided path will be used for finding dynamic library files on native platforms with Dart's[compiledLibPath]), and for loading the JavaScript module on the web with import init, * as wasmBindings from "[compiledLibPath]".